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Twitter has banned President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn of Middletown, RI as part of a purge of QAnon accounts following the storming of the U.S. Flynn's Twitter account was permanently suspended on January 8, 2021. A Twitter representative said the accounts of Flynn, and others such as Sidney Powell, had 'been suspended in line with our policy on Coordinated Harmful Activity'.
Posted on 04/24/2020 11:11:42 PM PDT by bitt
After a near three year absence on the social media giant Twitter, General Michael Flynn returned late on Friday night.
The General, who sparked outrage from the left by going after key political figures in 2016 while being the President’s top National Security Adviser, had grown silent since he was set up by the F.B.I.
Flynn returned sharing the declaration filed by his attorney Sydney Powell on January 29th, 2020. It’s a stunning recollection of how his former legal team was dishonest in representing him, and it also pulls his plea deal with the US government off the table.
Flynn’s cryptic tweet of his declaration is a message to his fellow Americans of not only his innocence, but a closer look at the corruption in Washington, D.C. Just a brief read of the initial few correlations will show you how poorly one of Americas true heroes was treated.
You can read the full court filing HERE.
From all of us at The DC Patriot, welcome back General, we’ve missed you.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS:Conspiracy; History; Military/VeteransKEYWORDS:20200129; flynn; flynntweet; generalflynnNavigation: use the links below to view more comments.
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Cryptic? The General was clear as a bell. He was railroaded by both his former attorneys and the Special Counsel. He is an innocent man.
General Flynn Twitter American Flag
Wray and Comey need to be sent to prison, prosecuted, and give a full accounting of their actions.

What judge sees these people as credible officers of the court?
Do yourself a HUGE favor, General.
Take your social media messaging to
Get in ahead of the rush
We could get around to the trial, later...
It is a crime how the General was treated. A corrupt system protected itself by going against an innocent man.
If a city beat cop framed someone, they would be sent to prison for civil rights violations under color of law. And the vaunted FBI would lead the investigation.
There needs to be national jury nullification for ANY case involving the FBI until Wray and Comey are arrested and charged with their crimes.
Wow, that was quite a read. Thanks for the link!
Mike Flynn Update
Bingo!..but that was a long time ago when it was a noble and honest profession...
Now they recruit the dunces that are failing in college...
They threatened to come after his son??? Evil. Totally evil people.
It’s wonderful to see General Flynn again! Thank you for posting this. I’m still praying for justice!
That’s straight out of the USSR, or the cartels, or red China. Threatening family.... damned cowards.
I’ve long suspected that either Wray was given the rope to hang himself as a Deep State tool. Or, two, he’s turned states evidence.
A third option is, he’s a Mole. Protecting the coup cabal every step of the way for a few years to insert himself into the good graces of the cabal in order to gather evidence. He’s a career DC Swamp Creature and thus, a good candidate for this objective.
Which is he? We’ll find out.
saying so sad wwill not help the country, if we cannot legally get to these folks without it taking centuries we are done as a country, no law, just gangsta mob..and oppression coming, for our own good ya know wink wink
General Flynn Twitter
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